April 28, 2006

Mac Backup Software Harmful | A backup tool needs to be able to copy files faithfully for a successful restore in case desaster has struck. The surprising conclusion of my investigation is that almost all Macintosh Backup tools fail at their most basic task, the faithful copying of files.
The Top Ten Lies of Engineers | by Guy Kawasaki
Global-i | a 3-dimensional interactive globe that displays information about the world in your browser. The Earth can be rotated and inspected and displays can be changed to see information in the most appropriate form.
Pipecleaner Dance III
Helsingin kaupunginkirjaston asiakkailla on käytettävissään langattomia WLAN Internet-yhteyksiä | Yhdessä Helsingin kaupungin opetusviraston kanssa tarjottu Stadinetti löytyy useasta toimipisteestä. Sen käyttöön tarvitaan Helsingin kaupunginkirjaston kirjastokortti ja siihen liitetty pin-koodi. Käyttö on maksutonta.

April 27, 2006

Sex Toy or Baby Toy? - Take the Quiz | In practice, sex toys and baby toys have nothing in common. However, looked at from a different perspective, these molded plastic creations can seem all too similar. Take our quiz and see if you can tell the difference.
3D Sudoku Cube | is a perfect blend of Sudoku & Rubik's Cube. It is a Rubik cube of 3x3x3 cubes, and each face of 3x3 squares is a Sudoku itself.

April 25, 2006

Magnum Photos: Chernobyl legacy | by Paul Fusco.
58 Days Worth of Drawing Exercises in Microsoft Excel book & 58 Days Worth of Drawing Exercises in Microsoft Excel as Rendered for Web & Animated Daily Excel Drawings (mov, 14.86 MB) | Microsoft Excel is a program designed to track and compute information, but here I am using Excel as a drawing tool. These drawings are a part of a series of sixty drawings that I executed (more or less) every day for fifty-eight days.

April 24, 2006

State of the planet | A graphical look at what we've done and where we're going.

April 23, 2006

Finger Lakes Finns
Kite Aerial Photography by Scott Haefner
From Weblog to CMS with WordPress | Could WordPress be used for full-blown websites as well as blogs? I believe the answer is definitely yes.

April 22, 2006

Multi-Touch Interaction Research | While touch sensing is commonplace for single points of contact, multi-touch sensing enables a user to interact with a system with more than one finger at a time, as in chording and bi-manual operations.
The Past is Over | Can you imagine a speech given by president Bush that would convince you that he has had a change of heart and could actually be the president of your dreams? What if he were humbled in some way which caused a profound change in his outlook on life and his role as the leader of our country - turning the aggressive posturing of an all-attack-all-the-time leader into a gentler, wiser soul determined to demonstrate the power of honesty and vulnerability.

April 21, 2006

April 18, 2006

Encyclopedia Mythica | Here you will find everything from A-gskw to Zveda Vechanyaya, with plenty in between.

April 12, 2006

4096 Color Wheel version 2.1
Massive List Of Plugins, Filters, Brushes, Actions & Gradients | It's amazing as to the amount of time and effort that people put into making plug-ins, filters, actions, brushes and such and then make them available to whomever wants them at no cost. All of the following are the "best of the best" and each one has received the highest rating from Adobe, and they are all free. I do not think that there are many items out there, that you have to pay for, that are better than the following...
Overwhelmed By Information Overload From Too Many Subscribed Feeds?
Digg PHP's Scalability and Performance | It turns out that it really is fast and cheap to develop applications in PHP. Most scaling and performance challenges are almost always related to the data layer, and are common across all language platforms. [...] There is simply no truth to the idea that Java is better than scripting languages at writing scalable web applications. I won’t go as far as to say that PHP is better than Java, because it is never that simple. However it just isn’t true to say that PHP doesn’t scale, and with the rise of Web 2.0, sites like Digg, Flickr, and even Jobby are proving that large scale applications can be rapidly built and maintained on-the-cheap, by one or two developers.
DesignEducation.ca | a compendium of the best Design resources available on the Web.

April 11, 2006

Idiot With A Barbell
Karpelasta surkein suomalainen | Kulttuuriministeri Tanja Karpela (kesk.) on "voittanut" Helsingin yliopiston valtiotieteiden opiskelijoiden Tutkain-lehden järjestämän Surkein suomalainen -äänestyksen.
Avoid Santa Claus approach to content management | Just what is a portal? I've spent the last couple of years asking this question. Nobody can come up with anything approaching a reasonable answer. Even people who are implementing portal technology can't fully explain what exactly the benefits are. So, I've come up with a definition of a portal: 'A portal is a website that costs you four times more.'

April 10, 2006

April 09, 2006

AJAX Resources for Beginners
Robert X. Cringely: A Whole New Ball Game | I predict that Apple will settle on 64-bit Intel processors ASAP (with FireWire 800 please), and at that time will announce a product similar to Boot Camp to allow OS X to run on bog-standard 32-bit PC hardware, turning the Boot Camp relationship on its head and trying to sell $99 copies of OS X to 100 million or so Windows owners.

April 08, 2006

MoOM | Museum of Online Museums.
hifilit.com | The goal of hifilit is to make available the history of the Golden Age of Hi-Fi, as contained in sales brochures, promotional literature and magazine advertising. (When was the "Golden Age of Hi-Fi"? Generally, from the late 1940's to the early 1960's.)
Getting Real | details the business, design, programming, and marketing principles of 37signals. The book is packed with keep-it-simple insights, contrarian points of view, and unconventional approaches to software design. This is not a technical book or a design tutorial, it's a book of ideas. (171 page PDF, $19)

April 07, 2006

Savage Chickens | Here be chickens.
Ajaxload | Ajax loading gif generator.
Unphotographable | a text account of pictures missed.
Manage Your Anger Safely

April 06, 2006

Ye Olde Graphic Designer | Basically, heraldry is a lost vocabulary. Every symbol, shape, colour and arrangement of colour means something. You can’t just say “I’d like to have a castle/rose/lion/boat on my sheild …” each of those symbols has meaning, and you’re not allowed to just slap them on at whim. Not only is each item symbolic, but there is a wealth of terminology used to describe graphic material in a way that could actually be quite useful. This language of heraldry is called Blazon.
Google H4x0r
Kolmoskanava (TV3) 1986—1993 | Siihen aikaan kun MTV3 oli vielä nimeltään MTV ja lähetti ohjelmia TV1:n ja TV2:n alivuokralaisena, käynnistyi kolmas valtakunnallinen televisiokanava. Kolmoskanava (lyhyemmin TV3) toimi Suomessa vuodesta 1986 vuoteen 1993 itsenäisesti.
Dummies Book Cover Generator 2006

April 03, 2006

How to feel miserable as an artist
What's Up? | an indispensable tool for the global newsjunkie.
Panoramic Video Field Test | 360 One VR with Sony PC100 mini DV camcorder.

April 02, 2006

April 01, 2006

Pirellifilm: The Call | John Malkovich & Naomi Campbell, directed by Antoine Fuqua.
Wikipedia: April Fools hoaxes in 2006
Battle of the 30-inch monitors: Apple Cinema Display vs. Dell UltraSharp 3007WFP | even if the panels are identical, equal performance isn't a guarantee; the way the panel is engineered makes a significant difference.
Knorr f****n food | this proves that any product can be advertised in a creative way.